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Workshop Internship

About the Workshop Internship Site Introduction Form 

In accordance with the decision taken by the faculty board of directors, "The company where the internship will be carried out must be identified before the start of the internship by submitting the "Workshop Internship Site Introduction Form" filled out by the workplace official to the relevant internship commission, depending on the type of internship to be carried out, and the identification process is the responsibility of the students." It must be signed by the relevant official and submitted to the workshop internship commission via the link below. Before the start of the internship, the student must confirm with the business that the business meets the conditions specified in the workshop internship book writing guide and that the necessary documents will be shared. Internships at businesses that do not meet the conditions will be rejected.

There is no list of companies defined        in the Department of Industrial Engineering workshop internship . For this reason, every student must get approval from the commission for the company they want to intern with before the internship begins.

    Before the internship begins, the student must confirm with the company whether documents such as technical drawings, sketches, etc. required for writing the notebook can be provided. The student is responsible for any problems that may arise from the company not sharing the necessary documents. It is not possible to accept the internship without technical drawing practice.


FR-1186 Industrial Engineering Department Internship Site Introduction Form

Workshop Internship Location Introduction Form Download Link


Documents related to Workshop Internship

  • FR-1861 Industrial Engineering Department Internship Registration Form

  • FR-1813 Industrial Engineering Ledger Approval Form

  • FR-1814 Industrial Engineering Internship Notebook Submission Form

  • FR-1816 Industrial Engineer Internship Notebook

  • FR-0952 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Industrial Engineering Employer Survey

  • Checklist for Workshop Internship  (To be delivered in Word format.)


About Workshop Internship 

'Internship Application Principles', which contain information about workshop internships, are provided in the links below.

The internship work must be carried out in accordance with the YTU Department of Industrial Engineering Workshop Internship Application Principles and the Internship Book must be prepared in accordance with these principles, in order and completely.


   It is mandatory for the company to have at least one industrial, mechanical, material and metallurgical, mechatronics or shipbuilding engineer.

   All relevant places in the Internship Registration Form are filled by Industrial, Mechanical, Metallurgical, Mechatronics or Naval Engineers working in that workplace; The engineer's name and surname, professional title,  registration number in the relevant Professional Chamber or diploma number (together with the university he graduated from)  must be stated and signed and approved.

A minimum of three different production methods must be applied    in the business , at least one of which should be the machining methods specified in the YTU Industrial Engineering Department Workshop Internship Application Principles .

   Studies that are not related to the industrial engineering profession and do not involve actual work (courses, seminars, etc.)  are unacceptable .

   The internship must be done in a company that carries out production (manufacturing sector). Businesses where only repair, maintenance and installation activities are carried out are not accepted .



Important Links:

YTU Industrial Engineering Department Workshop Internship Application Principles (Turkish)

YTU Industrial Engineering Department Workshop Internship Application Principles (English)

Frequently  Asked Questions 


Enterprises that cannot provide workshop internships:

-Yıldız Forged Cıvata -As of 12.10.2020, internships in this company will not be accepted.

-YTU Prototype Workshop -As of 03.04.2023, internships at this enterprise will not be accepted.


Workshop Internship Evaluation Commission:

President: Assoc. Dr. Bahadır GÜLSÜN ( )

Member: Res. Assis. Kamil ÇÖLBAY (

Member: Res. Assis. Kübra YAZIR (

Member: Res. Assis. Gülşah ŞAHİN (

Member: Res. Assis. Büşra TÜMAY (