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Technical Internship 1

The requirements for the application and submission process for the Technical Internship 1 Stage and the documents that should be in the process are given in the following process.

Technical Internship 1 Application and Delivery Process Flow Chart

Review the links below for the Internship Practice Principles, which include general information and frequently asked questions about the Technical Internship 1 (Information Technologies). There is no defined job list for Technical Internship 1 Internship. For business promotion, fill in the  Introduction Form for the Technical Internship 1 .  After submitting the form, the Technical Internship 1 Place Promotion Form will be sent to your e-mail address. This form must be printed out and approved by the company (signed + stamped). The Approved Internship Place Promotion Form must be submitted to the Technical Internship 1 Evaluation Commission  (  in order to be approved. After the student is approved, he/she should start the internship process. The approved form must be submitted after the cover page of the internship report book, and added to the Internship Report Book.

The forms required for the Technical Internship 1 are as follows:


FR-1861 Department of Industrial Engineering Internship Registration Form

FR-1813 Department of Industrial Engineering Approval Form of the Report Book

FR-1814 Department of Industrial Engineering Internship Submission Form

FR-1815 Department of Industrial Engineering Internship Report Book Control Chart

FR-1816 Department of Industrial Engineering Internship Report Book

FR-0952 Faculty of Mechanic Department of Industrial Engineering Employer Survey

Relevant forms can be downloaded from   Yıldız Technical University Quality Coordinatorship Forms page  by searching for the code or name of the form.

Internship activity should be done in accordance with the Technical Internship 1 Internship Practice Principles of YTU Department of Industrial Engineering and the Internship Report Book should be prepared in accordance with these principles. The submitted internship report book is checked by the Plagiarism Detection Program. If the similarity rate specified in the report received after the reporting process by the Plagiarism Detection Program exceeds 25%, a duration of one month is given for the students to revise their report books. After the revision, the internship report books that still don't meet the similarity requirement are rejected.


Turnitin is used for the Plagiarism Detection of the Technical Internship 1 notebooks. Students must also upload their internship notebooks to Turnitin while sending their documents via mail. Information on creating a Turnitin account and uploading internship report books can be found at the link below.


The class and password information required to upload the internship report books to Turnitin are as follows:


The class and password information required to upload the internship report books to Turnitin are as follows:


Class Number: 35515075


Registration Key: 1911END4001


Important Links:

Note: If there is a situation that is not included in the Principles or Frequently Asked Questions, send e-mail to .


Technical Internship 1 Committee:

Head: Assist.Prof.Dr. Esra ILBAHAR


Member: Res. Assis. Eyüp Ensar IŞIK

Member: Res. Assis. Mehmet SOYDAN

Member: Res. Assis. Mısra ŞİMŞİR