Industrial Engineering is an interdisciplinary branch of engineering concerned with the design, planning, development and management of systems consisting of people, information, materials, equipment and energy. Industrial Engineering is concerned with the efficient use of resources such as labour, time, money, materials and energy, and with improving the quality of engineering services and systems.
Industrial Engineering has a different structure and thought system from other engineering branches. The most important difference is that industrial engineering deals with the whole system by considering the whole, not the part. System Analysis, Plant Design, Operations Research, Probability Calculations and Statistics, Production Planning and Control, Quality Management, Simulation, Ergonomics, Work Study and Occupational Safety are the main courses of the department.
YTU Department of Industrial Engineering was established in 1983. It carries out its scientific and educational activities with 9 Professors, 9 Associate Professors, 3 Assistant Professors, 2 Research Assistants, 14 Research Assistants and 1 Engineer. The Department of Industrial Engineering consists of two departments: "Department of Industrial Engineering" and "Department of Operations Research".
The Department of Industrial Engineering continues its education with two undergraduate programmes, 30% English and 100% English. Students were admitted to the 100% English programme in the 2013-2014 autumn semester.
In addition to undergraduate education, the department offers Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering, Engineering Management and Occupational Safety Master's programmes, and continues its active education with Industrial Engineering Doctorate and Occupational Safety Doctorate programmes.
At Yıldız Technical University, European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) (Bologna) accreditation processes have been started to be operated since 2012, and as of the 2013-2014 Spring semester, active transition has taken place in all programmes in the Department of Industrial Engineering.
For detailed information, please see the links for Introduction of Yıldız Technical University and Introduction of YTU Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.